Why hello there! I hope you are having the most fantastic day. I wanted to take a second and chat with you about the 21 Days Of Prayer For Your Business study. Have you heard about it yet? If you haven’t, you can read more about the heart and passion behind it here. This post however, is going to give you a very brief overview of what we cover in our time together each day. You will quickly discover the topics we discuss apply to life in general. I firmly believe you can never go wrong when you allow the Lord to be the center of all you do, even your business. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Intro: We start off the study with a bit of a backstory of my journey and why I’m passionate about building a foundation on prayer. I share some of my family’s ups and downs and hopefully encourage you; if we can walk this out, you can too.

Day Twenty One: Game On – We have walked through a ton of things together over the last 21 days, now it’s time to part ways. Day twenty-one was a very emotional day for me as our time together was coming to an end. The writing of this book was something I will never forget. I grew attached to you, the readers. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. Our paths will be filled with ups and downs, surprise turns, and many other things along the way. We have built a strong foundation. We will keep on keeping on. We will walk with boldness and courage. We are ready for the path ahead. GAME ON
I can’t wait to see what all is in store as you invest this time in building a strong foundation for your business.
You are loved!